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Participation Categories
Below you find the participation categories and prices for SG Open 2025.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Elite Category
$500 / team
- Selected teams from elite (1) divisions from each country.
- Players must be 15 years or older (born in 2010 or earlier)
U-21 Category
$480 / team
- For the teams with players under 21 years.
- Players born between years 2006 and 2010.
U-15 Category
$400 / team
- For the teams with players under 15 years.
- Players born between years 2010 and 2013
Mixed 3v3 Corporate Category
$450 / team
- Players must be 15 years or older (born in 2010 or earlier)
- Each team can include up to 8 players (8 field players) plus 2 team officials
- 1 female player must be on court at all times
Mixed 3v3 w/ Goalie Category
$380 / team
- Players must be 15 years or older (born in 2010 or earlier)
- Each team can include up to 10 players (8 field + 2 goalkeepers) plus 2 team officials
- 1 female player must be on court at all times
U-18 Category
$480 / team
- For the teams with players under 18 years.
- Players must be born between years 2007 and 2011.
U-13 Category
$400 / team
- For the teams with players under 13 years.
- Players must be 13 years or older (born in 2012 to 2014)